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Ex-Obama advisor calls out Jared Kushner’s ‘not so subtle corruption’

Ben Rhodes, former Obama deputy national security advisor, highlighted the “corruption” at Jared Kushner’s firm during his Wednesday appearance on MSNBC. Rhodes’ comments came after he was asked about New York Time’s recent report that says 99 percent of Kushner’s funding came from international sources. “I mean, look, this is not subtle corruption that we’re looking at,” Rhodes told interviewer Alex Wagner.
The outlet also mentioned in the report that Donald Trump’s son-in-law is also involved in the development of hotels in the Balkans- Serbia and Albania, in particular. It was also previously reported that Kushner received a staggering $2 billion investment from Saudi Arabia just six months after leaving the White House.
“This is a guy, Jared Kushner, who had no expertise, no qualification whatsoever to be in the White House while he was there. He made it his account to work in the Gulf Arab states. He basically helped lead the cover-up for [Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman]. Get him in from the cold after the murder of Jamal Khashoggi,” Rhodes said.
He continued, “Basically, what we can take from that investment is that in a second Trump term, U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East and around the world will be made entirely with the interests of Mohammed bin Salman in mind,” adding, “He chose to work on issues in the Middle East, and he chose to work with the Gulf Arab states, knowing that the payout would be on the back end.”
Rhodes also compared Kushner to Joe Biden’s son, Hunter Biden, saying, “And here we have the president’s son-in-law, who worked in the White House — unlike Hunter Biden — who’s collected $2 billion on the back end of his service. Now he’s got his father-in-law running for president.” “Right? This is not only unusual, this is unprecedented.”
